Joy to the world

Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let Earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
Heaven and nature singing
He is our new beginning
Can you hear?…….. Hope is here!……
Joy in a babies birth
Heaven is flooding earth and
God is near……… Hope is here!……

Joy to the World, the Savior reigns
Let men their songs employ
He comes to make His blessings flow

Heaven and nature singing
He is our new beginning
Can you hear?…….. Hope is here!……
Joy in a babies birth
Heaven is flooding earth and
God is near……… Hope is here!……

And the wonders of His love are on display
Joy to the world
That King would come us
This changes everything

Heaven and nature singing
He is our new beginning
Can you hear?……Hope is here!….
Joy in a babies birth
Heaven is flooding earth and
God is near……… Hope is here!……

Joy to the world (2x)